Obama and His 2010 State of the Union Address

To all my friends and colleges, embedding the President of the United States speeches doesn't mean that I adore him excessively. But it is worth to watch and learn.

In his speech, (you can't see the speech if you read this note in my facebook, unless you go to my blog), he didn't use any text read helper. I don't quite know if this is the standard for a president in The US. Because The no text is just the start for the lesson learn, then the content is the next.

I never have seen a speaker like Obama since the late Soekarno from my country. I know, maybe there are more speaker like those man, but I am more a fan of pop culture than the fan of old fashion's time. My point is there is too difficult to find the Obama looked alike in a country with the culture such as Indonesia. Why should I bring this cultural thing into an ability to give non text speech?

to be continued...

Sandhy Sondoro New Single

Sandhy Sondoro, this man's voice suddenly blew my ear and mind at the first time I hear it. It might have a lot of similarities with Brian Adams, Sting or the most recent singer, David Cook. But, his voice represent strong, powerful, husky and yet soft voice. Moreover, his English pronunciation is beyond great.

This man also seems to have good talent and personality. Growing as a street music performer in some European countries might have a lot of contribution on this. He composes his own songs, both the melody and the lyrics. In one occasion, an interviewer asked him how he describes his own music. He just answered that it is just popular songs. He didn't mention that it is some kind of urban or a complicated combination music, the answers that many musicians would like to give. Even though his songs actually are influenced by rock, blues and a little bit jazzy. But he was right, many people doesn't what is the genre of the songs. They just know whether they liked it or not.

Asking the Life

Some people asked me why I choose not to become just a regular physician. It's an easy question, even the answer is easier.

I can choose many kind of answers I have. But to some friends, I often said, " I have one favorite answer for this question" Saying that I am one of people who lives the life for my childhood dreams, is that answer. Yes, all that happens to me right now are all my childhood dreams.

    Picture of Me

    Picture of Me
    In Front of Alfarooq Mosque, Atlanta.