The Best Moments in Life

There are uncountable moments in every day of our life. We might not be a small portion of people who can remember the every detail of those moments. But, everyone of us will need to remember what our best moments are. Because, those moments could be the only way to remind us that we are alive. And we might have our own ways to remember those moments.

One of the common ways to remember those moments are storing pictures or other stuffs that we might think they could bring those best moment's memories. We will look at those stuffs when we think we need them. But, have you ever compared how many times you did that while you were sad or when you were happy? I bet you mostly did that when you were sad.

So what's the problem then? Hahaha... no there's no problem at all for those kind of things. We are not supposed to be more sad while we were sad, right? If you are a kind of person who will be more sad, you should reconsider on what you will do while you were sad. I know how it felt like. Because I am that kind of persons. Hahaha... Do you get my points? No? I will tell you then.

Each one of us is a very unique person. We are the same as human, but we are different in personality. No one knows better your personality than yourself. You have to understand how your emotion works. And even more, you have to know the best way on how you will treat it. We already saw how many people out there who feel depress every time. Let's try not to put our self into it. It is a hard work my friends. There are so many efforts to reach it. But still, we always have to try. Because my friends, we will really find our best moment in our life, if we finally know who we are in life.
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    Picture of Me

    Picture of Me
    In Front of Alfarooq Mosque, Atlanta.