War, Refugees and Resettlement

I just found an interesting fact. Despite its controversies of doing war in two countries in Middle East, The United States is the biggest country as the place for refugees’ resettlement. It means that this country has accepted the biggest number of refugees compared to any other countries in the world. You could see the lists where those refugees came from in http://www.migrationinformation.org/Usfocus/display.cfm?ID=585. We could see that there are many of them came from countries that this country had and has been doing war with. Pretty weird, huh...

Atlanta is on the number nine of the list of cities in The US that has accepted refugees. This city has been as the resettlement place for around 40.000 refugees since 1984. It makes no wonder that if I could see so many races here in Atlanta every day. Even I joked with my friend, and said to her, "are we in United States?”. And it won't be a surprise anymore if someone says to us a "salam", because my friend wears a hijab on her hair. I hope you know what I mean.

In the coming of days, Atlanta will accept more refugees of Haiti earthquake victims. It is because Georgia, the state where Atlanta is its city capital, is one of the states that will be the place for the refugees. I just want to let you know guys, the efforts of rising funding for helping Haiti has been enormously huge here. We can see many ads on rising funding awareness for Haiti are on Television or internet radio. The latest ad that I saw today is there are more than 80 artists made the cover version of “we are the world”. The one interesting fact about this song is Will-I-Am, the singer from the black eyed peas” mentioned Indonesia in his hip hop style lyric. You could see the video here

This article was not intended to persuade anybody to agree on whatever this country has done to other countries. I just want to let you know that if we want to find complexity, this is the country where you can get for more than just enough. I remember while I was on a flight from Atlanta to Denver, I met a nice lady who talked to me about so many things. Her first question was, “what do you think of America after you came here?” I told her, “I thought I already knew about this country after I watched so many news and movies of it. But I was wrong”. She replied, “It is because we have a freedom of speech”. Yes, she was right, in this country there is no one will be in jail because of his speech. At least until now, I never heard that kind of news. I think because of that freedom, any Americans can do whatever they want to do. But it is not only it. The government will give them a bunch or rules before they do it. I think, this is the starting point that made this country has a lot of facts to talk about.

So guys, if you want to find so many confusing facts as well as lessons to be learnt, come here. Or if you think that our country (Indonesia) already has so many things to be confused of, you might change your mind.
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    Picture of Me

    Picture of Me
    In Front of Alfarooq Mosque, Atlanta.