Still Asking the Life

Most of people in the world always ask about life. Some of them will say that they already had the answer but some others won't. Among those who have the answer we might never find the same answer. Yes, it is the same question with different answer. And it is more interesting, because none of the answers is wrong.

I used to be angry to myself or to other people, when I found that we still did something that we already know it will give bad consequences. For instance, smoking. How many people know who already know about its bad consequences but they are still doing it. For me asking this questions is one of my questions about life. I have my own answer, and you might have it also. But for me, having this question made me have a whole new direction in my life.

Or, I used to have a question that I asked over and over again every night, why some people seem to always have bad luck and some others always have good luck. I know that so many verses explain about this thing. But when it doesn't hit my rationality, I always want some more explanation. Because I believe that God always asks us to think. Until I found the thing that is called probability. Yeah the probability that is came from statistic science. What make me interested in this probability is that even it is come from uncertainty, but it has a certain pattern. Those people in statistic call it normal distribution. Even the normality itself is disputable, but I like to have that pattern as my answer. If you know how the pattern the normal distribution is, you will see the small proportion in the right and left of curve in the normal distribution. I believe that those small proportion represents how many people who always have a bad luck, and on the other tail represents people with bad luck. The most proportion of people who are represented by the center of the curve, are the people who lies in between.

You can be disagree with me, but it is my answer. What is yours?

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    Picture of Me

    Picture of Me
    In Front of Alfarooq Mosque, Atlanta.