The Triangle of Life

This triangle has nothing to do with Bermuda Triangle or another Triangle that made so many superstitious stories in it, but this triangle is the derivation from The Triangle of Epidemiology. I am not sure that many of you would know about this triangle, or even the epidemiology. Okay, I will start from what on earth is epidemiology.

Epidemiology is the mother of Public Health. The field I am studying now. This word was originated from a Greek language that means "study upon people". It is emphasized on health and disease related factors among populations. John Snow, an anesthesiologist from England is person who constructed the modern epidemiology. This fact actually makes me have a nice answer when somebody asked me why I choose Public Health. I might say, "Did you know that the predecessor of Public Health is a doctor?"

So, at later time as the science had progressed, the people from epidemiology acknowledged how the factors of related disease could make a person sick. They describe the factors in a triangle, named epidemiology triangle. In each corner of this triangle stand host (a person), agent (of the disease) and environment. As you can see in the picture, those three factors are interrelated. What happened to a person (that could be me or you) whether getting sick or not, depend on those balanced interrelation. This interrelation explains that a host or let say us, could get sick because of the influence the factors from itself, environmental factors and something else that can cause a disease (it could be a virus, bacteria or anything else). Each one of us could not get sick not only because of our own willingness. Yes a host has a portion to make itself become sick, but isn’t it only small portion compared to two external factors? This interrelation of this triangle,

I would like to have the triangle presumably be as the triangle of life; because those interrelations could describe for what happened in a person life. Take a look at again to the triangle, instead of having agent in one of the corners; let’s say we have temptation here in the triangle of life. I defined the temptation is whatever in life that come into it. I would say if you get or loss something, it’s what I define as the temptation. I define The environment is where you live your life is. It’s pretty much the same for what happened in life, is it? You become as you are now, despite of your own will (as I said before, it’s just a small portion), there are also temptation and environment factor that made you as you are now. You become a successful person now, not only because you wanted and tried for that, you have your parents, friends, facilities and moreover there is God that unavoidably always gives the temptation on us.

So my friend, where are those arrogance come from? Did you think that all those you have now is because of the only you? You played just a small portion. Even you your self is not you fully could control it. There is also temptation and environment that made you even before you were born. You have the genetic inheritance (this genetic inheritance could be defined as agent) from your parents and you were raised in a certain environment. Moreover my friend, the genetic research recently stats revealing that whatever your behaviors now are very much influenced by those genetic inheritance. Those behaviors could be also you willingness right? Because willingness is part of your behavior that most persons think they have full control in it. I said, no you don’t have full control in it. There are so many people that might have harder attempts to reach something, but because their temptation and environment didn’t allow them to become success, they didn’t get it. Again, where those arrogance could come from, if even if you yourself could not control it.

Once my father said, “Don’t hate a bad person, just hate his bad behavior and avoid the behavior”. Then I said, “Why? I hate them, they are bad. They made people miserable”. I remembered he couldn’t answer that stubborn question. He just said, “Just don’t hate them personally”. I also remember he never upset of me being stubborn. Maybe he realized, once he used to be a stubborn person also. Hahaha…. Thank you for participating in making me a stubborn person Dad… (Hehehe… No I don’t call him Daddy my friend).
1 Response
  1. I just wanted to add something. Don't get misunderstood about the importance of the host. Even if it is a small portion, it has a role in the triangle. If the host is weaken, the environment and agent will dominate the triangle. But if the host dominates, it can influence the others. But still, the host is not the only factors in life.

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    Picture of Me
    In Front of Alfarooq Mosque, Atlanta.